Caring for every skin need


Ageing is a natural process of life, and although stopping the passage of years is not possible, it is necessary to adapt the care routine according to the needs at each stage. Those moments through which your skin goes have certain characteristics. Shall we go over them?

Before the age of 30, the skin retains its luminosity and looks smooth. From the age of 25, the natural production of collagen and hyaluronic acid begins to decrease. There is also usually an increase in sebum production, so it is common for the skin to be combination to oily at this stage.

From the age of 30, the skin around the eyes is the first to show signs of aging, and expression lines begin to appear. The skin's ability to retain water also decreases. In addition, the skin becomes thinner, losing elasticity, and cellular regeneration slows down.

At 40, the loss of hyaluronic acid and collagen becomes more pronounced, and expression lines are more marked, especially around the eyes, mouth, and face.

Moreover, bags under the eyes may start to swell or eyelids may begin to droop, giving a tired appearance.

After the age of 50, with the onset of menopause, hormonal changes produce effects that are directly reflected in a woman's skin.

The decrease in estrogen and progesterone reduces the firmness and tone of the skin.

In addition, mature skin is characterized by being dry and rough to the touch. Some of its features include loss of elasticity, drastic reduction in sebum and sweat - both essential for the proper functioning of the hydrolipidic film - and reduced cellular regeneration.